Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Offizielle Webseite


mag art Matthias Laurenz Gräff, Rep

 academic painter • private historian • political activist • politician

Academic painter

Dialogue in Kamptal

Matthias Laurenz Gräff in 2022 (Foto: Georgia Kazantzidu)
  • art studio Gräff and Dialogue in Kamptal in Zitternberg 24, A-3571 Gars am Kamp, Austria; phone  (+43) 676/6459 386

Family Association Gräff-Graeff e. V.

Matthias-Laurenz in holländischer Tracht (Helmuth Gräff, Ölgemälde, 2007)
  • officially registered in august 2013  in Zitternberg 24, 3571 Gars am Kamp, Austria under Chairman Mag Matthias Laurenz Gräff

NEOS Representative for Greece and Cyprus

  • Matthias Laurenz Gräff took over the function of representative for Greece (march 2024) and whole Cyprus (february 2025) for the Austrian parliamentary party NEOS
  • Agios Dimitrios 5, 60065 Platamonas, Greece

Permission for Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia

Permission / OTRs permission for all Uploads of my paintings, works, images etc made by the Users Artium72 and Donald1972 at Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia with the usage of "CC-BY-SA-4.0".

signature Matthias Laurenz Gräff